lundi 1 avril 2013

CHICAGO/ The Blues Yesterday Volume 4

CHICAGO/ The Blues Yesterday Vol. 4

 Quatrième opus de notre série apparemment très populaire Chicago/ The Blues Yesterday!
         Charles "Slim" Willis (né en 1930 à Greenville, Ms) est un de ces nombreux harmonicistes qui, dans le sillage des Sonny Boys et de Little Walter, ont hanté les clubs de Chicago à la recherche du succès. Malgré quelques 45t pour des labels comme CJ et Reginald, Willis est resté dans l'obscurité. J'ai eu l'opportunité de le rencontrer par hasard à Chicago dans un club. Il m'avait demandé de tenter de le faire tourner en Europe, m'envoyant même une cassette qui regroupait certains de ses enregistrements. Malheureusement, mes tentatives n'ont guère pu aboutir et lorsque je lui ai réécrit quelques mois plus tard, la lettre m'est revenue avec la mention "n'habite pas à l'adresse indiquée"! Slim serait retourné dans le Sud où il vit peut-être toujours? J'ai réuni ici notamment grâce à Paul de Bruycker la totalité des titres qu'il a gravés.
Arley "Buster" Benton (né à Texarkana dans l'Arkansas le 19 juillet 1932) a été fortement marqué par le Gospel de son enfance et par Sam Cooke et B.B. King. Il migre à Chicago en 1959, se fait une petite place sur la scène locale, joue et/ou enregistre avec Tyrone Davis, Jimmy Reed, Joe Tex; G.L. Crockett et réussit à signer quelques 45t sous son nom entre blues et soul. Buster Benton sait composer des blues aux paroles subtiles dans la grande tradition du blues sudiste. Son jeu de guitare, élégant et efficace, doit aussi beaucoup à un Wes Montgomery pour lequel Buster a toujours voué une grande admiration. Repéré par Willie Dixon, Buster Benton fait partie durant plusieurs années des Chicago All Stars et, sous la houlette de Dixon, enregistre pour le petit label Supreme le superbe Spider in my stew qui est un succès autant à Chicago que dans le Sud. Benton entreprend alors une carrière solo, enregistrant plusieurs beaux albums pour Ronn, Blue Phoenix et Ichiban. Malgré un grave accident de la circulation et l'amputation d'une jambe, Buster Benton a continué à jouer et tourner jusqu'à sa mort le 20 janvier 1996 à Chicago. Cette collection propose tous ses premiers titres (la plupart très difficiles à trouver).

         Enfin, nous terminons avec Luther "Georgia Boy" Johnson (1934-76) qui a fait une courte mais brillante carrière autant comme guitariste de Muddy Waters que sous son nom. Si ses beaux albums pour Muse et Black & Blue sont aisément disponibles, son premier 45t gravé en 1964 ne l'est pas et nous le proposons donc ici.

            Tous nos remerciements à Hartmut Münnich, Jose Yrrabera, Alain M., Paul De Bruycker et Kempen.
                                                        Gérard HERZHAFT

         Here is the fourth volume of this apparently very popular series.
         Charles "Slim" Willis (born in Greenville, Ms in 1930) was one of those numerous good harmonica players who haunted the Chicago blues clubs during the 50s and 60s, trying to emulate the style and the success of the Sonny Boys and the Walters. Despite some 45s made for labels like C.J. or Reginald, Slim Willis stayed in a relative obscurity. I had the opportunity to meet him in Chicago and he even sent me a tape with some of his works to try to promote him in Europe, hoping to be able to tour overseas. Unfortunately, nobody seemed interested and when I last wrote him, the letter went back with a mention "unknown". He might had left Chicago for the South where he could be still living? Thanks to blues collectors and particularly to Paul de Bruycker, we have gathered all his records. Hope it will help to make better known this very good bluesman.
 Arley Buster Benton (born Texarkana, ak on July, 19, 1932) is a much well known artist. His singing was strongly influenced by the Gospel of his youth as well as Sam Cooke and B.B. King while his guitar style, although strongly B.B.Kingesque, is also indebted to Wes Montgomery that Benton was always referring to. After he moved to Chicago in 1959, Buster played in the clubs behind Tyrone Davis, Jimmy Reed, Joe Tex and G.L. Crockett, recording as a sideman as well as under his name some 45s between blues and soul. When Willie Dixon hired him as the lead guitarist of his Chicago All Stars in the early 70's, the career of Buster Benton went for a rise. Under Willie's guidance, he recorded for the tiny Supreme label the wonderful Spider in my stew which was a hit in Chicago and the South. He was soon to lead his own band, tour all over the States, Japan and Europe and record several excellent albums for Ronn, Blue Phoenix and Ichiban which are currently available. This collection gathers all his early 45's.
Luther Johnson & Dusty Brown
         Luther "Georgia Boy" Johnson (1934-76) has made a short but brilliant blues career, with the Muddy Waters blues band as well as under his name, recording a couple of great albums for Muse and Black & Blue. Here we can hear his very first 45 recorded in 1964.
                Thanks again to Hartmut Münnich, Jose Yrrabera, Alain M., Paul De Bruycker and Kempen for the loan of their rare records.

                              Gérard HERZHAFT

CHICAGO/ The Blues Yesterday Volume 4
SLIM WILLIS, vcl/hca; Lafayette Leake, pno; band. Chicago, Ill. 1961-62
01. Strange feeling
02. I love to play
03. Running around
04. No feeling for you
05. You're the sweetest girl I know
06. From now on
Slim Willis, vcl/hca; Otis Spann, pno; Johnny Young, g; Robert Whitehead, dms. Chicago, Ill. 19 mai 1964
07. My baby left me
08. Canadian Sunset
Slim Willis, vcl/hca; Billy Emerson, pno/og; band. Chicago, Ill. 1966
09. Tighten up your game baby
10. Why don't you believe in me?
Slim Willis, vcl/hca; band. Chicago, Ill. 1968
11. I say that
12. Wine me up
BUSTER BENTON, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. 1966
13. Catherine
14. Getting yourself together
Buster Benton, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. 1967
15. Erase my name
16. Looking for my baby
Buster Benton, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. 1968
17. That's the reason
18. Hole in my head
Buster Benton, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. 1969
19. Catch up with the world
20. Do as you please
Buster Benton, vcl/g; Carey Bell, hca; Mighty Joe Young, g; Lafayette Leake, pno; James Green, bs; Billy Davenport, dms. Chicago, Ill. juin 1973
21. Spider in my stew
22. Dangerous woman
Buster Benton, vcl/g; Carey Bell, hca; Lafayette Leake, pno; Willie Dixon, bs; Prof. Bobby King, dms. New York City, 7 août 1973
23. I must have a hole in my head
24. Everyday I have the blues
25. The thrill is gone
LUTHER "GEORGIA BOY" JOHNSON, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. 21 février 1964
26. Eenie Meenie Minie Moe
27. The Twirl
Ce dernier titre a été publié sous le nom de Little Luther. Selon Blues Discography (L. Fancourt) et d'autres auteurs, ce serait le premier 45t de Luther Johnson. Mais selon Bob Eagle, ce Little Luther serait en fait Luther Thomas, un chanteur et guitariste New Yorkais.
Those two last titles were issued under the nickname Little Luther. According most authors, particularly L. Fancourt (Blues Discography), it is the frist Luther Johnson's 45. But Australian blues researcher Bob Eagle says it is in fact Luther Thomas, a singer and guitariste from New York City.