samedi 14 septembre 2013


 Eddie Kirkland a longtemps été davantage connu pour ses formidables accompagnements - à la croche près! - de John Lee Hooker que pour ses propres performances. Et il aura fallu les années 1970 pour qu'on découvre quel grand showman il était, excellent guitariste, bon harmoniciste et l'étendue de son répertoire, du blues acoustique en soliste jusqu'aux sonorités funky voire rock.
            Bien qu'il ait toujours affirmé être né le 16 août 1923 (ou 1928) à Kingston, en Jamaïque - ce qui aurait fait de lui un citoyen britannique! - , Eddie Kirkland - selon tous ses proches - serait venu au monde à Dothan dans l'Alabama, d'une jeune fille de douze ans qui l'aurait abandonné à la naissance. Il a alors été élevé par une de ses grand mères qui l'a initié au Gospel, au blues mais surtout à la Country Music à travers les programmes radiophoniques du Grand Ole Opry.
            Il semble que Eddie ait commencé dès 12 ans à travailler dans le Sugar Girls Medicine Show, parcourant les Etats du Sud, d'abord comme garçon à tout faire puis, au fur et à mesure qu'il s'initiait avec les artistes du show itinérant à différents instruments et au chant, comme bonimenteur vendeur de médicament miracle, présentateur, chanteur et musicien! Il a toujours affirmé que son sens de la scène lui venait de ces années au sein de ce show itinérant.
            La guerre, ses restrictions et la conscription semblent avoir eu raison de ce spectacle comme de bien d'autres et Eddie se retrouve à travailler en usine, d'abord dans l'Indiana puis à Detroit dans l'industrie automobile. Mais son passé dans le show business lui permet très vite de s'intégrer dans la scène du blues et du R&B de Detroit. Il rencontre John Lee Hooker lors d'une des célèbres House parties de la ville. La carrière de Hooker est alors en pleine ascension et Eddie décide d'accepter la proposition du bluesman de devenir son second guitariste. Ensemble, ils mettent au point un duo de deux guitares sur le modèle de Memphis Minnie/ Little Son Joe que Hooker admirait beaucoup. Kirkland ouvre le show, chante deux ou trois morceaux et accompagne ensuite John Lee. Eddie enregistre alors un nombre important de titres derrière Hooker qui comptent parmi les tout meilleurs gravés par ce grand bluesman. A l'occasion, il grave quelques 78t sous son nom pour de petits labels de Detroit avec un style de chant fort marquée par le gospel.
            Cette association n'a pas toujours satisfait Eddie qui a avoué plus tard avoir fait une erreur d'être resté si longtemps dans l'ombre de Hooker sans obtenir la reconnaissance méritée. Il semble aussi qu'à la fin des années 50, Kirkland ait été condamné pour homicide et fait trois ans de prison.
            Toujours est-il que le début des années 1960 le voit habiter New York, y tenter une difficile percée musicale, mêlant de plus en plus à son blues des sonorités plus modernes comme celles de la Soul naissante. C'est dans ces conditions que le label Prestige (pour sa filiale Tru Sound) lui fait enregistrer en 1961 un album tout à fait exceptionnel en compagnie de l'orchestre de King Curtis/ Billy Butler. Bien que Kirkland ait par la suite enregistré d'autres excellents albums pour Trix, Evidence, JSP ou Deluge, celui-ci nous semble être son chef d'oeuvre.
            Mais ce disque de blues très moderne - qui sort sur un label consacré au blues traditionnel à destination du public alors bien maigre du blues revival - ne se vend pas du tout et Eddie, qui n'aimait guère la vie trépidante de New York, décide de partir s'installer à Macon en Georgie. Otis Redding, un talent local qui commence à percer, vient le voir un soir dans un club, est tout à fait emballé par sa prestation et décide de l'embaucher à la fois comme musicien, ce qui permet à Eddie d'interpréter à chaque fois quelques morceaux en vedette et surtout d'enregistrer plusieurs 45t pour Volt, le label de Redding et d'obtenir plusieurs succès commerciaux, en particulier The Hawg (1965) qui figurera dans le Top 100 de R & B quelques semaines.
            Après la mort inattendue de Redding, Kirkland vit une mauvaise passe. Il participe à quelques tournées de R&B mais les années 1970 sont particulièrement difficiles. Sous la houlette de Pete Lowry, Eddie se reconvertit un temps en bluesman soliste à la guitare acoustique, ce qui lui permet de figurer au programme de plusieurs festivals et d'enregistrer deux excellents albums (Front and center en soliste et The Devil and other blues Demons,
accompagné d'un petit orchestre avec lequel il tournera pendant quelques années). Ce ne sera finalement qu'à partir des années 1990 que Eddie Kirkland sera finalement reconnu comme un talent majeur, jouant dans les grands festivals, tournant en Europe, devenant même - grâce au groupe de blues rock Foghat qui le prennent avec eux - un artiste apprécié dans ce fructueux domaine. Il enregistrera même un album avec eux, Last train home.
            Malgré son âge et de gros ennuis de santé, Eddie Kirkland était toujours musicalement actif quand le 27 février 2011, il a été victime d'un fatal accident de la route près de Tampa en Floride.
            Il laisse une oeuvre importante, souvent de premier plan, dont nous proposons ici toute la première partie (1952-68).
            Merci à Hartmut Münnich pour son aide précieuse dans la collecte de certains de ces rares enregistrements.
                                                                       Gérard HERZHAFT

Although he has always said that he was born August, 16th 1923 (or 1928) in Kingston (Jamaica), Eddie Kirkland, according to his relatives, would be in fact born in Dothan (Alabama) from a very young girl (of 12 years) that Eddie had not really ever known. He was raised by a foster grandmother who was always listening to Gospel and Country Music through the Grand Ole Opry radio programme, infusing love of the music to the boy.
            At a very early age, Eddie works full time in the Sugar Girls Medicine Show first as a handyman and, thanks to the other members of the show who taught him several instruments, more and more as a singer, entertainer and musician. Eddie often told that his striking showmanship came from those medicine show's years. Unfortunately the show (like many others) doesn't survive to the War and Eddie has to work in the industry, first in Indiana and then in Detroit, Michigan. With his show business experience, Kirkland is soon very active in the thriving Detroit blues and R&B scene. In the early 50's, he meets John Lee Hooker who is becoming the blues star of Motor City. Hooker who admired very much the twin guitars of Memphis Minnie and Little Son Joe took Eddie with him and the subsequent years saw Eddie playing second guitar with Hooker and recording some incredible tight guitar duos with his leader and some of the best tracks waxed by Hooker at that time. He has also the opportunity to record sporadically for some local labels, his music much more "modern" than Hooker's with a voice strongly influenced by Gospel singers.
            This partnership with John Lee, although very successful musically, didn't entirely satisfy Kirkland who said he suffered to stay in the shadow of the bigger name. It also seems that at the end of the 50's, Eddie was involved in a murder case and was in jail for three years.
            Anyway, the early 60's find our man in New York City, trying his luck in the R&B clubs, adding a lot of new sounds (like Soul) to his music. This is how he happens to record in 1961 a first-rate album for the Prestige label (in fact its subsidiary Tru Sound) backed by the powerful King Curtis and Billy Butler band. Even if Eddie would later record several excellent albums for labels like Trix, JSP, Evidence or Deluge, this particular LP stands like a true masterpiece. Unfortunately, the music is then judged too soul-oriented for the public of the blues revival whose the Prestige label is chiefly aimed at and the album doesn't sell at all.
            Eddie leaves then New York and settles in Macon (Georgia) where, as usual, he plays in the local clubs. One night, Otis Redding, a then rising star, catches his show and takes him in his band. Eddie plays guitar and harmonica with Otis, sings a couple of songs in his shows and has the opportunity to record for the Volt label some commercially successful 45s, The Hawg even making its way into the R&B Top 100 in 1965.
            After the untimely death of Redding, the 70's are very lean years for Eddie. The producer and researcher Pete Lowry finds Eddie, persuades him to try his luck as a solo country bluesman, finds him some good gigs and festival appearances and brings him in the studios for two excellent albums for his own label Trix, Front and Center, a very good acoustic solo effort and The Devil and other blues Demons with a small band. Those two are well worth listening to.
            Despite all this, Eddie will have to wait until the 1990's to gain his due recognition as a major artist, taking by storm audiences in the USA and Europe, recording several CDs and even becoming some kind of an aged rock star with his association with the group Foghat!
            Despite his age and faltering health, Eddie Kirkland was still musically active when he died from a car accident on February, 27th, 2011 near Tampa in Florida.
            He leaves a very substantial recording legacy. We have here gathered all his earlier tracks (1952-68).
            Thanks a lot (and again) to Hartmut Münnich for the loan of his precious and rare records.
            As usual, all feedback is welcomed.
                                                                       Gérard HERZHAFT

EDDIE KIRKLAND Complete Recordings Disc 1
Eddie Kirkland, vcl/g; John Lee Hooker, g/vcl. Detroit, Mi. 1952
01. It's time for lovin' to be done
02. That's all right
Eddie Kirkland, vcl/g; Roy Brown, dms. Cincinnati, Oh. 23 juillet 1953
03. Please don't think I'm nosey
04. No shoes I & II
05. I mistreated a woman
06. Time for my lovin to be done
Eddie Kirkland, vcl/g; Johnny Hooks, t-sax; Joe Dooms, pno; Jimmy Parner, dms. detroit, Mi. 1959
07. I need you baby
08. I must have done somebody wrong
Eddie Kirkland, vcl/g/hca; band. Detroit, Mi. 1960
09. Train done gone
10. You know I love you
11. Blood on your hands
12. Love you 'til the day I die
Eddie Kirkland, vcl/g; The Falcons, vcls; band. Detroit, Mi. mars 1961
13. So pretty baby
14. I tried
15. I am so tired (Oh baby please)
16. Back bone

EDDIE KIRKLAND Complete Recordings Disc 2
Eddie Kirkland, vcl/g/hca; King Curtis, t-sax; Oliver Nelson, t-sax; Herman Foster, pno; Billy Butler, g; Jimmy Lewis, bs; Ray Lucas, dms. Englefield Cliffs, NJ. 8 décembre 1961
17. I tried
18. Man of stone
19. Train done gone
20. I'm going to keep lovin' you
21. Something's gone wrong in my life
22. Baby you know it's true
Eddie Kirkland, vcl/g; same but George Stubbs, pno; Elise Shoulder, vcl on *. Englefield Cliffs, NJ. 9 mars 1962
23. Saturday night stomp
24. I'm gonna forget you
25. Down on my knees
26. Don't take my heart
27. Daddy please don't cry*
28. Have mercy on me baby
Eddie Kirkland, vcl/hca; Sonny Galse, t-sax; Sam Stokes, b-sax; Bobby Cash, pno; g; Wayne Cochran, bs; dms; The Angelos, vcls on*. Macon, Ga. 17 mars 1964
29. Let me walk with you*
30. Monkey tonight
Eddie Kirkland, vcl/hca; band. Macon, Ga. 9 septembre 1964
31. Hog killing time
32. Treat me the way you want me
Eddie Kirkland, vcl/hca; Steve Cropper, g; Donald Dunn, bs; Al Jackson, dms; The Memphis Horns. Memphis, Tn. 1965
33. The Hawg I
34. The Hawg II
35. Them bones
36. I found a brand new love
Eddie Kirkland, vcl/g/hca; band. Detroit, Mi. 1968
37. Every hour every minute (I wanna be with you)
38. The grunt

38 commentaires:

  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  2. Great stuff here Gerard. As always many thanks for putting these interesting rare collections together.

    Is the Wayne Cochran on the 1964 session the same man as Wayne Cochran and the C.C. Riders?

    Bob Mac

    1. Thank you Bob Mac. I really don't know if this Wayne Cochran is the same than the one from CC Riders... Maybe someone else could help?

  3. Dr. Strasburg (US)14 septembre 2013 à 16:02

    Great effort! Confused about the title (Vol. 3&4) and you have Vol. 1&2 here. Take care.

    1. You are right. Those volume's numbers could be confusing. I've changed it!

  4. Dr. Strasburg, not too tough to puzzle out here. It's vols. 3&4 of the series, which is vols. 1&2 of Kirkland. . . Careful, or they'll take away that doctorate . . .

  5. Thanks for showcasing great blues artists that were overlooked & deserved wider recognition.

  6. Great collection of a very underrated artist in my opinion.
    Thank you very much Gerard.

  7. hi from UK
    links up yet or missing?

    1. The links are now in the comments section under my name (generally the first comment of the item). The US majors seems now to have copyrighted everything from Adam to Zarathoustra and Google's blogs are ruled by US copyrights laws and not Europeans', so we must be careful

    2. pareillement, je n'obtiens plus les telechargements depuis qu'ils sont intégrés dans la section commentaires

      merci , pour tout ce travail

    3. Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais ces liens n'apparaissent pas chez certains avec le navigateur Internet Explorer. Chez moi, ils fonctionnent parfaitement. Je pense que vous avez certainement des modules complémentaires qui bloquent ou filtrent les liens html. Il est n'importe comment préférable d'utiliser plutôt Firefox ou Chrome qui sont, d'ailleurs, selon ma modeste expérience, bien plus fiables et performants que IE.

    4. problème résolu et c'était d'une simplicité enfantine!!

      j'attends avec impatience les posts à venir.

      et encore merci.

  8. Thanks for this amazing collection.

  9. Gerard, may well be the same man as CC Wayne was based in Macon, GA around the same time.

    "The outlandish Wayne Cochran -- wild outfits, high snow-white pompadour -- and his musical odyssey began in 1955 with his first band. By 1963, after a move to Macon, GA, and numerous personnel changes, the outfit became known as Wayne Cochran & the C.C. Riders ("Cochran's Circuit Riders").

    Bob Mac

  10. Wayne Cochran played bass in an early band with Otis Redding, Eddie Kirkland backed up Otis Redding. The evidence suggests the bassist is Wayne Cochran.

  11. Been looking for some more Eddie Kirkland ever since hearing "The Hawg" on one of the Twistin' Rumble comps....amazing!

  12. Many thanks for these excellent posts. Much appreciated. Cheers, zdtch

  13. Thank you Gerard for these great tracks.

  14. Merci beaucoup pour cette belle collection !

  15. a big treat again! never understood why this bluesman didn't get more recognition and international succes.

  16. Thanks again Gerard for all the wonderful music that you generously share here.

  17. Thx for this sonic blues goldmine---INCREDIBLE!!

  18. Thanx for the many eccelent compilations! It's a musical goldmine!!!

  19. Eddie Kirkland Vol. 2 link doesn't work. Could you please re-post again. Merci.

    1. Oups... I made a mistake.
      The link for Eddie Kirkland Vol. 2 is

  20. New links for Eddie Kirkland:
    Vol. 1:
    Vol. 1

    Vol. 2:

  21. Hi Gerard - great post on Eddie Kirkland. Would it be possible to provide new links? I don't want to put you to too much trouble.

    1. In fact, a lot of my files have been hacked by another who put it on line without any credit.
      So you can find the Eddie Kirkland files there:
      Enjoy anyway!

    2. Thanks a lot Gerard. I've downloaded both collections and am looking forward to listening. What a shame about your work being posted by someone else without giving credit where it is due.

  22. Merci beaucoup for your great generosity! Kirkland´s 50s and 60s material is wild!!

  23. Hello, please re-post a link for album #2, Eddie Kirkland - Complete Early Recordings Vol.2
    Please, I tried all those links too many times to count, and they just do not seem to work, the Vol.1 worked just fine, but Vol.2 is a no go, Please re-post.

    1. It's stil working here
      Get it while you can
