lundi 16 juin 2014

CHICAGO/ The Blues Yesterday Vol. 11


   Bobby Rush (né Emmett Ellis Jr le 10 novembre 1940 à Homer, La) est aujourd'hui une figure majeure du Soul blues et un des grands maîtres du chitlin' circuit (dont on peut admirer une époustouflante performance dans le film "The Road to Memphis" (de Richard Pearce: que l'on peut trouver en DVD chez Wild Side). Sa discographie est riche d'albums marquants qui ont souvent été des succès commerciaux. Il sait mieux que quiconque marier le blues le plus brut (qu'il a pratiqué encore enfant auprès de Elmore James ou Boyd Gilmore) avec les éléments de la Soul, beaucoup de Funk et même du Rap. Mais ses premiers 45t enregistrés à Chicago (où sa famille s'est installée en 1953) sont largement méconnus à l'exception de son "classique" Chicken heads. Nous avons essayé de regrouper la plupart de ces premiers titres, entre blues et Soul, dans cette anthologie (il manque encore cinq morceaux: toutes copies .mp3 seraient les bienvenues!). Devenu une vedette surtout dans le Sud, Bobby Rush s'est installé à Jackson (Ms) en 1980.

Nous avons déjà présenté Little Wolf, de son vrai nom Jesse Sanders, dans Chicago/ The Blues Yesterday Vol. 2. Né le 26 juin 1930 à Florence, Ms, Jesse a fait une carrière de policier à Chicago tout en chantant ici et là dans les clubs de blues. Marié à la nièce de Howlin' Wolf, Diane, Jesse a été rebaptisé Little Wolf par Willie Dixon qui, à la mort du vrai Loup Hurlant, lui a composé et fait enregistrer en 1976 The wolf wont howl no more. Au moment de sa retraite de la police en 1990, Jesse Sanders est parti vivre à Memphis où il s'est produit sporadiquement sur scène. C'est en vendant un Greyhound bus qu'il avait retapé à son vieil ami Bobby Rush que Jesse Sanders a enregistré un album produit par Rush sur son éphémère label JayLo sous le nom de Little Howlin' Wolf! Un disque si rare qu'il passait même pour n'avoir jamais été édité! Mais notre ami Pierre Monnery (merci à lui) a déployé ses talents de fin limier pour en dénicher un exemplaire dont nous proposons ici l'intégralité. Mais attention: grande rareté ne signifie pas grande réussite et si cet album a ses moments, il n'est certainement pas au niveau de ce que Little Wolf a fait sous la houlette de Willie Dixon.

            Enfin, terminons cette anthologie avec - sauf erreur - l'unique 45t de L.C. Roby (Lee Charles Holland), le fils de William Holland (The Highway Man, lui aussi un imitateur de Howlin' Wolf). Dans ces titres de 1979, Roby apparaît comme un excellent guitariste et chanteur fort influence par Albert King.
            Comme d'habitude, tous vos commentaires et appréciations sont les bienvenues.

                                                                       Gérard HERZHAFT 
         Bobby Rush (born Emmett Ellis Jr on November, 10th 1940 at Homer, La) is a major name of the Soul blues and one of the true master of the so-called chitlin' circuit (cf his breathtaking performances behind his audience in the Richard Pearce's film TheRoad to Memphis). He has a large discography of very often excellent albums with many Hits, mainly in the Southern States. He knows better than anyone how to mix a gritty down home Funk with strong blues overtones (he learned the blues with people like Elmore James and Boyd Gilmore!) and Soul elements and his music is highly personal and very exciting. But his first 45s recorded in Chicago (where his family settled in 1953) are not well known outside his major Hit Chicken heads. We have tried to gather them but five titles are still missing (any .mp3 copy through my mail would be welcome!). Becoming a big name, mainly in the South, Bobby went to live to Jackson, Ms in 1980, near his favourite audience.

            We have already featured Little Wolf and the records he made for Willie Dixon (see Chicago/ The Blues Yesterday Vol. 2). Born Jesse Sanders on June, 26th 1930 in Florence, Ms, our man has made a career as a Chicago police officer for 47 years while singing the blues in the Windy City clubs. Married to Howlin' Wolf's niece Diane, Jesse brought the attention of Willie Dixon who recorded him on an excellent aforementioned album. After his retirement from the Chicago Police Department, Jesse Sanders relocated in Memphis where he made some public appearances. He met again his old friend Bobby Rush and while Bobby bought to him a Greyhound bus Jesse had reshaped himself, he decided to record Sanders (this time as Little Howlin' Wolf) for his short lived JayLo label. The album is so rare that it was long thought it was never issued. Thanks to the detective talents of our friend Pierre Monnery, we have been able to get a copy of it and the entire session is on this post. But mind you: extremely rare doesn't mean extremely successful! Although there are good moments, we are here quite far from the sessions Little Wolf made for Dixon in Chicago!

            To round off this new volume, we have included the only but excellent 45 made by L.C. Roby (Lee Charles Holland, son of William Holland, himself a Howlin' Wolf impersonator!) in 1979. Roby was, at that time, leading a very good Chicago outfit that backed many bluesmen in the clubs and the studios. On his own record, L.C. demonstrates his skills as a singer and as a guitarist, strongly influenced by Albert King.
            As usual, all feedback from you, blues lovers, is welcome.

                                                                       Gérard HERZHAFT

CHICAGO/ The Blues Yesterday
Volume 11
Bobby Rush (Emmett Ellis Jr), vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. 1964
01. Someday
Let me love you
Bobby Rush, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. 1966
You're the one for me
Done got over
Bobby Rush, vcl/g; Monk Higgins, pno; Wayne Bennett, g; Luther Johnson, g; horns; Cornelius Boyson, bs; dms. Chicago, Ill. 1967
02. Much too much
03. Sock boogaloo
Bobby Rush, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. 29 janvier 1968
04. Gotta have money
05. Camel walk
Bobby Rush, vcl/g; Sonny Thompson, pno; band. Chicago, Ill. 1969
06. Wake up
07. Just be yourself
08. Let it all hang out
What now?
The things that I used to do (see my YouTube Channel for this title)
Bobby Rush, vcl/g; band. chicago, Ill. 1971
09. Chicken heads
10. Mary Jane
Bobby Rush, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. 1972
11. Bowlegged woman knock kneed man I & II
Bobby Rush, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. 1974
12. Get out of here
Little Wolf (Jessie Sanders), vcl/g; Bobby Rush, hca/g/bs; Micky Rogers, g; Mike Rushell, g; Dell Marris, og; John Alford, kbds; Jackson State Horn sectuon, horns; Willie James Hatten, bs; Forest Gordon, dms. Jackson, Ms. prob. 1992
13. Cryin' for my baby
14. Shake it baby
15. I ain't doing too bad
16. Ain't no time for fussing
17. Somebody walking in my home
18. Highway 49
19. Out in Virginia
20. Smokestack lightnin'
21. Help me baby
22. New Orleans blues
L.C. Roby (Lee Charles Holland), vcl/g; Eddie Shaw, t-sax; t-sax; Detroit Jr, og; Marylin Love, bs; Ben Sanders, dms. Chicago, Ill. septembre 1979
23. Ain't gonna tell nobody
24. Feel like a King

22 commentaires:

  1. Chicago/ The Blues Yesterday Vol. 11


    1. Merci beaucoup et encore bravo pour votre exceptionnel travail !

    2. For some reasons here is the new link for Chicago/ The Blues Yesterday Vol. 11 WITHOUT BOBBY RUSH

  2. Nice collection, many thanks Gerard. I've got to drive about 300K today, from Hua Hin to Pattaya, so now I've got some different tracks to listen to.

  3. Gerard, do you happen to know which Luther Johnson is playing on the 1967 Bobby Rush tracks?

    1. Bob Mac, it's hard to say because the lead guitar is by Wayne Bennett. I would guess this Luther Johnson is "Guitar Junior" and not Luther "Georgia Snake Boy" Johnson. But I'm really not sure.

    2. FWIW

      Bruyninckx Jazz Discography mentions Luther Johnson Jr.,i.e. Luther 'Guitar Junior' Johnson.

    3. I dug up an interview with Luther Johnson Jr. (Living Blues # 142):Luther Johnson Jr. played in a band called Bobby Rush & The Four Jives.

  4. Hello Gerard,
    Thanks for the compilation. I have Bobby Rush Things I Used to Do on Salem. Will mail it soon.

  5. @Gerard & MarcD: Cheers, so it's the Guitar Jr. Luther. He's the only Luther Johnson I've seen perform live when I caught him in Muddy's band circa 1974. I was most impressed with his playing, especially in the warm-ups before Muddy took the stage, Luther did a real nice funky soul number. I've got no idea of the song's name but even after all these years I can still picture him belting it out.

  6. Thank you Gerard. Chicago was indeed the motherlode!

  7. Do not know what to say. This is the message I get.
    HTTP Status 404 - /d/123/asd.xml

    type Status report

    message /d/123/asd.xml

    description The requested resource (/d/123/asd.xml) is not available.

    Apache Tomcat/7.0.25

    1. I'm sorry daba but it works very fine for me... No problem at all. It must come from your computer or your FAI

    Link no activ (dead) Pleas active.!
    very good music.great wealth blues music. thank you.

    pleas anonyme name

  9. To answer some requests:
    I won't re-upload those files because there was a copyright problem. The Bobby Rush tracks are available on his wonderful recent boxed-set.
    Je ne rechargerai pas les liens pour cet article pour des raisons de copyright qui m'ont été signalés. Les morceaux de Bobby Rush se trouvent dans son récent coffret.

  10. thanx for a great set guys but vol 11 don't work .

  11. Is it possible to upload just the Little Wolf & L.C. Roby tracks?

  12. New link for Chicago Vol. 11 WITHOUT Bobby Rush.

  13. Hi Gerard,

    Hope this finds you well.

    Any chance that you can re-post:

    New link for Chicago Vol. 11 WITHOUT Bobby Rush.

    Thank you in advance for you kind consideration.

    1. Try this over here
