mercredi 1 octobre 2014

CHICAGO/ The Blues Yesterday Volume 12

CHICAGO/ The Blues Yesterday Volume 12

Ouvrons ce nouvel opus de la série "Chicago/ The blues yesterday" avec Blue Smitty (Claude Smith), né le 10 novembre 1924 à Marianna (Arkansas). Il apprend à jouer de la guitare vers 1938 sous l'influence des disques de Arthur Crudup et Tampa Red mais développe un style plus fluide, jazzy et complexe en fréquentant des guitaristes de jazz tandis qu'il était incorporé à Alexandria (La). Il apprend même à lire la musique. Il s'installe à Chicago en 1947 et joue autant dans les clubs de jazz à la manière de Charlie Christian et Oscar Moore qu'en compagnie de bluesmen comme Jimmy Rogers ou son compatriote Floyd Jones. En 1952, il auditionne pour Chess et enregistre les seuls quatre titres que nous connaissons. Toutes ses qualités de guitariste moderne sont en valeur sur ces morceaux. Il continuera à se produire une bonne décennie dans les clubs de l'Illinois mais n'enregistrera plus. Il sera retrouvé et interviewé par Jim O'Neal et George Paulus mais ne désire plus reprendre une carrière musicale. Il décède le 5 mai 2009 à Herrin (Illinois)
Poor Bob Woodfork, originaire lui aussi de l'Arkansas (il est né à Lake Village le 13 mars 1925) a enregistré et joué avec de grands noms du Chicago blues comme Jimmy Rogers, Howlin' Wolf, George Smith, Otis Rush mais n'a sous son nom gravé qu'une séance mémorable en juin 1965 en compagnie de Buddy Guy, Mighty Joe Young et Willie Dixon qui produisait l'ensemble. Woodfork a abandonné la musique la décennie suivante et est mort à Chicago le 10 juin 1988.
            Les amateurs de blues connaissent le saxophoniste, pianiste et chef d'orchestre Menard Rogers (4 février 1929 à Duncan (Ms) - 16 décembre 2006 à Chicago) essentiellement pour avoir constitué l'ossature du blues band de Johnny Littlejohn, notamment dans le
remarquable LP Arhoolie de 1968. Autour de ces années, Menard (peut-être avec Johnny à la guitare) a aussi enregistré une série de 45t qui ont été quelque peu négligés mais qui sont néanmoins de bonne facture et que nous proposons ici. Menard a aussi gravé un LP très rare en 1981 que notre ami Xyros a réussi à dénicher.

                                                                       Gérard HERZHAFT

            Blue Smitty opens this 12th volume of our ever popular "Chicago/The blues Yesterday" series. Smitty born Claude Smith on November, 10th 1924 in Marianna (Arkansas) learned to play blues guitar with the records of Arthur Crudup and Tampa Red but began to switch towards jazz when drafted during the war years. He befriended with several jazz guitarists who showed him how to play like Charlie Christian or Floyd Smith. When he settled in Chicago around 1947, Smitty began to play in blues and jazz clubs altogether. When he auditioned for Chess in 1952, he recorded four blues with a much jazzier and modern touch than the usual Chicago's blues sessions of this time. He recorded unfortunately only four excellent titles. After he went to live in Joliet, Smitty played during the 1950's and 60's in many Illinois towns. He was rediscovered and interviewed in length by the indefatigable Jim O'Neal and George Paulus but he wasn't interested to restart a musical career. Smitty died in Herrin (Illinois) on May, 5th 2009.
            Poor Bob Woodfork hailed also from Lake Village, Arkansas where he was born on March 13th, 1925. He recorded and played with many major Chicago blues acts like Howlin' Wolf, Jimmy Rogers, George Smith or Otis Rush but he recorded only one session as a leader. A great moment anyway produced by Willie Dixon and featuring his soulful vocals backed by the stinging guitars of Buddy Guy and Mighty Joe Young. Despite great hopes to record again and tour Europe, Woodfork did not and died in Chicago on June 10th, 1988.
            The blues buffs know saxophonist, pianist and bandleader Menard Rogers (born in Duncan, Ms on February 4th, 1929 - † on December 16th, 2006 in Chicago, Ill) for backing Johnny Littlejohn on his 1968 Arhoolie LP masterpiece. But Menard and his band (probably featuring Littlejohn) also recorded a handful of good 45s under his name largely unreissued. We are featuring here some of his most blues oriented tracks. Menard also recorded a full LP (and hard to find) in 1981 but that our friend Xyros is so generously sharing.
                                                           Gérard HERZHAFT

CHICAGO/ The Blues Yesterday
Volume 12
BLUE SMITTY (Claude Smith), vcl/g; Malron Jeff, pno; Bob Stewart, bs; Ike Smith, dms. Chicago, Ill. 11 juillet 1952
01. Crying
02. Sad story
03. Elgin movements
04. Date bait
POOR BOB WOODFORK, vcl/g; Henry Gray, pno; Buddy Guy, g; Mighty Joe Young, g; Willie Dixon, bs; Clifton James, dms. Chicago, Ill. 25 juin 1965
05. Ain't got a lousy dime
06. Lousy dime
07. The sun is rising!
08. I won't be happy
09. I wanna school you pretty baby
MENARD ROGERS, vcl/t-sax/pno; Douglas Fagan, t-sax; Allan Batts, og; Jesse Williams, g; poss. Johnny Littlejohn, g; Aron Burton, bs; Herbert White, dms. Chicago, Ill. 1968-72
10. How sweet it is
11. To be in love with someone
12. Ain't nothing but a titty
13. Good food, I am for you
14. I found someone to love me

26 commentaires:

  1. Chicago/ The Blues Yesterday Volume 12


    1. Merci infiniment pour ces pépites qui me servent souvent pour mon émission de radio (Stormy Monday) sur Radio Campus Bordeaux.

  2. Gerard, thank you for this other great compilation.

    1. Thank you HM for your constant support and your generosity

  3. another very fine blues collection of bluesmen; names that may not be forgotten!

  4. Gerard
    Thanks for this latest compilation -- I always learn new and interesting things from your work!

  5. wonderful, thankyou for sharing.

  6. Thanks for making these obscure Chicago blues tracks available to us Gerard. I have heard both Blue Smitty & Poor Bob before, but Menard Rogers is new to me, so I'm looking forward to have a good listen later today. Thanks again.


  7. Thanks for such a great comp!! Also for your kindness for using zpy again... Cheers from Spain.

  8. Super Les Menard Rogers Gerard merci
    je n'entends pas de différence entre les 2 1ere versions de Lousy Dime
    la 3eme "the sun is rising" etant bien une autre prise différente de Lousy Dime
    Benoit BB

  9. As Otis Rush would say this is a good un!Thanks

  10. A noter qu'il existe une autre version de Crying

    On peut voir au debut de la video qu'il s’agit du Chess 1522
    Est ce que celui present dans votre compilation est alors l'alternate, ou est il possible d'y avoir deux version pressé avec le meme numero...
    Pouvez vous m'eclairer a ce sujet ?

    Un grand merci pour le contenu de ce blog !!!

    1. Merci. Oui il ya deux versions de "Crying", celle que j'ai mise provient du LP Drop down mama. J'aurais dû aussi inclure celle du 78t 1522. Grâce à vous, les lecteurs pourront entendre celle-ci aussi.

  11. Thanks for this great collection . Menard Rogers is new for me and once again the soundquality on most of the songs i had already in my collection is better here .
    MERCI !!

  12. Brilliant, blues gold once again from Mr Herzhaft for my listening pleasure!!! Thank you again.

  13. many many thanks Gerard !!! Great !!!

  14. Thank you for this but the Poor Bob tracks are all the same except the second last one?

    1. They are supposed to be alternate takes. Those were Willie Dixon's Chicago session for a tentative European tour of Chicago bluesmen...

  15. Ahhh ok I understand fascinating info and music. You and your site are amazing thank you so much.

  16. surprised Blue Smitty didn't record more prolific, since he was said to be an influence to Muddy Waters you'd think it'd warrant more attention.

  17. Would You be kind enough to set up a new download address.


  18. Chicago/ The Blues Yesterday Vol. 12
    New link:!qdQnyDQA!EigoH0pORV6ZDR63uKXFeTVB2Kv2Y9cp0E4z8zvfjTc
