lundi 4 janvier 2016



  Ouvrons ce deuxième volume dédié au Texas Blues avec James "Thunderbird" Davis (né le 10 novembre 1938 à Mobile, Al), un chanteur un temps associé à Guitar Slim (Eddie Jones) avec lequel il a partagé la scène en Louisiane et au Texas. A la fin des années 50, James s'installe à Houston et commence une carrière personnelle, enregistrant 10 titres pour Duke  dont What else is there to do et surtout Blue monday ont connu un certain succès commercial. En 1966, James Davis tourne à travers tous les USA avec Joe Tex puis O.V. Wright mais s'oriente vers la religion au milieu des années 1970 et abandonne la musique. Redécouvert par hasard par Hammond Scott, Davis a enregistré un excellent album en 1988 pour Black Top Check Out Time. Il entame ainsi une deuxième carrière mais décède d'une crise cardiaque sur scène à Saint Paul (Minnesota) le 24 janvier 1992.

            Elmore Nixon (né le 17 novembre 1933 à Crowley, La) est surtout connu des amateurs de blues pour son magnifique jeu de piano derrière Lightnin' Hopkins, Clifton Chenier et de nombreux autres artistes du Texas. Mais il a substantiellement enregistré sous son nom dans un style très R&B entre 1949 et 1955. Il est décédé à Houston le 11 décembre 1973
            Enfin le saxophoniste, flûtiste et compositeur Harold Bennett (né le 7 août 1939 à Houston, Tx) a participé à de très nombreuses séances d'enregistrement de jazz et de R&B, notamment derrière Teddy Reynolds, Johnny Copeland, Bobby Bland, Sam Cooke et B.B. King), figuré dans plusieurs orchestres et animé les soirées des principaux clubs de Houston. Nous proposons ici quelques uns de ses titres les plus blues, gravés sous son nom pour le petit label Copa.
            Les titres manquants sont en violet. Toute copie serait la bienvenue!
            Tous nos remerciements à Gerrit Robs, Mr Mightygroove, Dr Hepcat et particulièrement Marc Claes pour leur aide dans la confection de cette anthologie.
                                                                       Gérard Herzhaft

            This 2nd volume of our Texas Blues series starts with James "Thunderbird" Davis (born 10 November 1938 in Mobile, Al), a singer at first associated with Guitar Slim (Eddie Jones) for whom he opened the shows in Louisiana and Texas. At the end of the 1950's, James settled in Houston and started a personal career, recording ten tracks for Duke, hitting the charts with What else is there to do and Blue Monday. In 1966, James Davis was constantly on tour throughout the USA with Joe Tex and O.V. Wright. But during the mid-1970's, he became a preacher and stopped singing the blues. Rediscovered in 1988 by Black Top's Hammond Scott, James recorded a very good album Check Out Time and resumed his career. But he died of a heart attack on stage at Saint Paul (Minnesota) on January, 24th 1992.
            Elmore Nixon (born in Crowley, La. on 17 November 1933) is well known by the blues fans for his striking piano work behind Lightnin' Hopkins, Clifton Chenier and numerous other Texas artists. But he also recorded quite substantially under his name in a R&B vein between 1949 and 1955. He died in Houston on December 11th, 1973 after surgery.
            At last, saxophonist, flute player and composer Harold Bennett (born 7th August 1939 in Houston, Tx) has been very active in the studios, recording behind dozens of blues, R&B and jazz artists like Teddy Reynolds, Johnny Copeland, Bobby Bland, Sam Cooke, B.B. King.... He was a mainstay of several Houston clubs. He also recorded under his name and here are some of his most honking bluesy titles, waxed for the tiny Copa label.
            The missing titles are in purple and any copy would be welcomed!
            Thanks a lot to Gerrit Robs, Mr Mightygroove, Dr Hepcat and particularly Marc Claes for their help.
                                                                       Gérard Herzhaft

JAMES DAVIS, vcl; band. Houston, Tx. 18 février 1958
Come to the Rock and Roll (cf My YouTube Channel) (thanks to Dr Hepcat for sharing)
What else is there to do?
James Davis, vcl; band. Houston, Tx. 1962
01. I'm gonna tell it on you
02. My precious darling
James Davis, vcl; Calvin Owens, tpt; Joe Bridgewater, tpt; James Mayes, tpt; saxes; Clarence Hollimon, g; Lloyd Lambert, bs; Herman Hawkins, dms. Houston, Tx. 1963
03. Blue monday
04. Sing
05. Your turn to cry
06. Chains around my heart
07. Bad dreams
08. Ain't it great?
ELMORE NIXON, vcl/pno; Henry Hayes, a-sax; Ed Wiley, t-sax; Don Cooks, bs; Ben Turner, dms. Houston, Tx. 1949
Foolish love
09. It's a sad sad world
Elmore Nixon, vcl/pno; Russ Wills, g; Henry Hayes, a-sax; Ed Wiley, t-sax; Don Cooks, bs; Ben Turner, dms. Houston, Tx. mai 1950
10. Alabama blues
11. My wish for you
Elmore Nixon, vcl/pno; Goree Carter, g; Henry Hayes, a-sax; Ed Wiley, t-sax; Don Cooks, bs; Ben Turner, dms. Houston, Tx. décembre 1950
12. I went to see a gypsy
13. A hep cat's advice
14. You see me smiling
15. Shout and rock
16. I'm movin' out
Searchin' blues
Elmore Nixon, vcl/pno; Goree Carter, g; Henry Hayes, a-sax; Ed Wiley, t-sax; Don Cooks, bs; Ben Turner, dms. Houston, Tx. 29 novembre 1951
17. Playboy blues
18. Cave man
19. Million dollar blues
20. Married woman blues
Elmore Nixon, vcl/pno; Henry Hayes, a-sax; band. Houston, Tx. décembre 1952
21. Over here pretty baby
22. Elmore's blues
23. If you'll be my love
24. Forgive me baby
25. Sad and blue
26. Last night
Elmore Nixon, vcl/pno; Dave Bartholomew, tpt; band. New Orleans, La. 6 septembre 1955
27. Don't do it
28. The women
You left me
A broken heart
HAROLD BENNETT, t-sax/flt; Albert Owens, g; og; George Malone, bs; Isaiah Anderson, dms; perc. Houston, Tx. 1964
29. Blues for a belly dancer
30. I just want to make a love to you
31. Shake a lady

15 commentaires:

  1. Texas Blues Volume 2


  2. Thank you very much for the latest post Gerard. I have had a quick look for the missing tracks but I do not have them.
    I wish you a prosperous 2016.

  3. Thank you so much. Vintage James Thunderbird Davis is like the Holy Grail for me. You may recall that I that only request that I ever made at this site several years ago was the complete Thunderbird! Now here it is! Wow!

  4. Merci Gérard, Une belle découverte pour moi en ce qui concerne James Davis et Elmore Nixon! Tout mes meilleurs voeux pour
    2016 et longue, longue vie à Blue eye!
    Gérard C.

  5. Thank you very much, Gerard !!!!!!!!

  6. wonderful, thankyou for sharing

  7. More rare Texas blues...many thanks Gerard.

  8. Many Thanks for this first post of the year , it looks great as all your other posts . Merci !

  9. Ca commence bien... Super! Merci!!
    Bonne année 2016.

  10. Many thanks for this collection. I love all of your collections and the information that accompanies them but the first two volumes of this Texas series are superb and I trust will be followed by more of the same. I especially enjoy hearing Elmore Nixon as the main act, rather than as an accompanist to others.

  11. Sent you one of the missing James Davis by fbook message. Hope you got it.
    Dr. Hepcat

    1. No, Dr Hepcat, I didn't receive the james Davis missing track??? The best thing would be to send me the .mp3 copy to my email (
      Thanks anyway!

  12. thank you, Gerard!!
    wonderful blog!!

  13. Please re-up. Zippyshare is no more.
