dimanche 24 juillet 2016

CHICAGO/ The Blues Yesterday Vol. 18

CHICAGO/ The Blues Yesterday Vol. 18

            Let's go for another trip to Chicago blues (yesterday of course) with, this time, three mostly obscure artist.

            Willie Weems was the lead guitar player of the Soul act, The Dontells/ The Turks (with singers Nate Pendelton and Leroy Dandridge) who recorded in Chicago for Daran and Vee Jay. But Willie recorded only one 45 under his name, the mostly instrumental Greens (Onions!)/ Stuff time. We have here also included another single waxed the same year under the "Singing Sam" tag with female singer Kitty Grove. Apparently, Willie died in Saginaw (Michigan) some years ago.

Singer Edna Mc Raney (from Covington, Ms) was a member of the Jackie Brenston and Eddie Johnson's bands, recording with each. She was featured in several Chicago clubs during the early 1950's. Outside this, the facts about her are sparse and her whereabouts and life are mostly unknown. Here are all the known tracks she recorded with, unfortunately, only a fragment of Yes, I know. (Thanks for anyone having the complete title and willing to share)

            Bandleader and tenor sax player Gay Crosse is mostly known for having hosted a young John Coltrane in his band during some months in 1951-52. Born in Mobile, Al. 15th August 1916, Celestra S. Crosse moved to Cleveland during the early 1930's, learned the saxophone, was strongly influenced by Louis Jordan and formed a band which played in many clubs and venues in Cleveland, Cincinnati and Chicago where Gay Crosse and His Good Humor Six recorded several sessions for King, Mercury (much sought after titles) and RCA-Victor. He then tried his luck (this time with Coltrane in his band) in Philadelphia (waxing one session for Gotham) and then Nashville, recording his last most well known session for the Republic label. But the success eluded him and he disbanded his Good Humor Six around 1955, opening the Gay's Drive in Bar B Q restaurant in Cleveland where Gay was also the cook! But the musical bug was strong enough and Gay Crosse resumed his band during the 1960's playing regularly in the Cleveland clubs and venues until his death on 9 March 1971.

Muddy Waters entering on stage. Lyon, Fr. 16 july 1979
Last but not least, and as a special bonus for you, we have a part of the Muddy Waters' concert hold in the Roman Theatre in Lyon (France) before an audience of 4000+ in July 1979. I was strongly involved in this special event, helping the Scorpio Agency (until then dedicated to Rock groups) to gather a line-up of the best bluesmen available (we had then the opportunity to feature Sugar Blue, Luther Allison, Taj Mahal, B.B. King and of course Muddy on a show which started at 7. PM until 3 o'clock in the morning) and I was backstage most of the time, chatting with all those great people until 6.00 the next morning. Muddy who had to go to London the next day, and liking so much to be in B.B.'s company, didn't bother to go to his hotel and quit the festival just to take his morning plane!
            Thanks a lot to J. Charles for providing those very rare (and very good) live tracks. Thanks also to Mr Mightygroove and his excellent blog http://soul-in-groove.eklablog.com/.

                                                                       Gérard HERZHAFT

WILLIE WEEMS, g; Leroy Dandridge, vcl on +/bs; Kitty Grove, vcl on *; Willie Weems, g; band. Chicago, Ill. 1967
01. Ooh baby!*
02. Move it baby†
Willie Weems, g; Nate Pendleton, og/vcls; Leroy Dandridge, bs; dms. Chicago, Ill. 1967
03. Greens
04. Snuff time
EDNA Mc RANEY, vcl; Jackie Brenston, b-sax/vcl; horns; Phineas Newborn Jr, pno; Calvin Newborn, g; bs; dms. Chicago, Ill. 15 décembre 1951
05. Hi-Ho baby
06. 88 boogie
07. Lovin' time blues
Edna Mc Raney, vcl; Eddie Johnson, t-sax/vcls; Claude Jones, pno; Johnny Pate, bs; Oliver Coleman, dms. Chicago, Ill. avril 1952
08. Back up
Edna Mc Raney, vcl; Eddie Johnson, t-sax; band. Chicago, Ill. 1953
09. Yes I know (fragment)
10. Edna's boogie
GAY CROSSE, vcl/t-sax; Eddie Harris, tpt; Charlie Ross, pno; Edward Lee, g; John Latham, bs; Walter Carson, dms/vcls. Cincinnati, Oh. 28 juin 1946
11. Gay's blues
12. My heart (vcl: Walter Carson)
Gay Crosse, vcl/t-sax; Eddie Harris, tpt; Jewell Grant, a-sax; Charlie Ross, pno; Bill Lewis, g; John Latham, bs; Walter Carson, dms. Chicago, Ill. 16 août 1949
13. Saturday night fish fry
14. Pelican's hop
Gay Crosse, vcl/t-sax; John Coltrane, a-sax; Charles Wright, dms; band. Philadelphia, Penn. 1950
15. Fat Sam from Birmingham
16. Bittersweet
Gay Crosse, vcl/t-sax; Stanley Turrentine, tpt; John Coltrane, a-sax; Stan Laughlin, pno; Alvin Jackson, bs; Oliver Jackson, dms. Nashville, Tn. 1952
17. Easy rockin'
18. No better for you
19. Tired of being shoved around
20. G.C. Rock
MUDDY WATERS, vcl/g; Pinetop Perkins, pno; Luther Johnson Jr, g; Bob Margolin, g; Jerry Portnoy, hca; Charles Calmese, bs; Willie Smith, dms. Lyon, Fr. 15 juillet 1979
21. Champagne and reefer
22. Honey bee
23. Hoochie coochie man
24. Kansas City (vcl: Pinetop Perkins)

23 commentaires:

  1. Chicago/ The blues yesterday Vol. 18



  2. Dear Mr. Herzhaft: I don't know where to post this comment. So I'll do it here. Bought your book "Portraits en Blues". A wonderful, straight-to-the-point book, but also packed with great info! Having a good time reading it. Thank you!
    Cheers Daniel, from Spain.

  3. Many thanks for a new volume of this great series , Merci beaucoup !

  4. Thank you Gerard with the usual very interesting artists!

  5. Merci Gerard. Interessantes ces premieres faces avec Coltrane (je crois qu'elles avaient deja ete publiees sur une compil' Gotham / Collectables, il y a pas mal de temps) mais ce qui m'intrigue c'est de lire le nom de Stanley Turrentine comme trompetiste. Ne serait-ce pas plutot son frere Tommy qui lui etait trompetiste?
    Je m'interroge aussi le trompetiste "Eddie Harris" dans les sessions de 46 et 49. Serait-ce LE jazzman Eddie Harris mais lui aussi etait saxophoniste (et pianiste / organiste a ses heures) et de plus, ne en 1934 il n'aurait eu que 12 ans lors de l'enregistrement ? J'en deduis que ce n'est pas le meme.


    1. Merci, boogieman. Je suis moins compétent que vous en jazz. La disco dont je me suis servi ici(comme la plupart du temps) est "Blues Discography" de Fancourt/ Mc Grath (dernière édition)

    2. Boogieman - That is indeed Tommy Turrentine on trumpet on the session with Coltrane. I am not sure about Eddie Harris, although it is quite likely him. Harris could play trumpet as well as many other instruments. He played a bit of trumpet later in his career as well.

  6. Merci beaucoup Gérard, grace à vous je vais de découverte en découverte, j'espère que vous publierez un nouveau livre sur le blues car j'ai tout lu vos livres y compris ceux pour adolescent...

    1. Merci bien, Albert. Après Portraits en blues, je prépare la première édition papier (avec des ajouts) de ma Ballade en Blues qui n'a jamais été publié autrement qu'en livre électronique.

    2. Bonjour Gérard, c'est une très bonne nouvelle car je ne suis pas fana des e-book, j'attends avec impatience sa sortie...Je pense que vous nous informerez de sa sortie sur ce site...

  7. Gerard

    Thanks for another fine compilation, including live Muddy that I don't have and early John Coltrane. Superb.

  8. Merci Gérard pour ces raretés! Et la nuit du blues de 1979 en était une vraie, effectivement jusqu'à 3 ou 4 heures du matin! J'y étais aussi côté gradins. la dernière édition à Fourvière, le 16 juillet, recevait également Taj Mahal à la suite de E.Bibb et Raphael Imbert. Tout était terminé à minuit, et dès 11 heures du soir 30% du public partait alors que Taj Mahal faisait un bon concert en formule Trio. sans surprise, mais encore bien en voix! Bien amicalement continue à nous régaler. Il serait intéressant d'avoir aussi le show de Luther Allison et celui de BB king, Taj... Le seul bémol de cette nuit avait été le côté invasif de Sugar Blue. Mais quelle nuit!

    1. Bonjour, j'y etais aussi et je me souviens avoir été à côté des photographes quand cette photo a été prise. Suis parti vers 1h au debut de BB King.
      Existe-il un enregistrement de cette soirée inoubliable ?

  9. Many thanks Gerard for this most interesting and eclectic collection.

  10. Thanks for another gem in this wonderful series.

  11. thank you very much, Gerard ...!!

  12. Thank you very much Gerard. What a great memory to have!

  13. Hello Gérard !

    Merci pour cette excellente série qui me fait découvrir des artistes qui mériterai une popularité plus grande.
    Si cela peu aider, à propos du morceau « Yes i know » par Edna Mc Raney, je l'ai vue sur la compilation : Windy City Divas - Rhythm & Blues In Chicago (Theron5001)
    11. YES I KNOW Edna McRaney & Orch. (Chess 1534).
    N'etant pas un aussi fin limier que vous je ne sais pas s'il s’agit de la même sessions et de la bonne version.
    On peu trouver le cd là : http://bluebeatmusic.com/product_info.php?products_id=23547

    Barbar Drunker

  14. All the volumes on this series have links still available.
    Volume 16:
    Volume 17:
    Volume 18:
    Volume 19:
    Volume 20:
    Volume 21:
    Volume 22:

    Grab them while it lasts
