jeudi 9 février 2017


GUS JENKINS/ Complete Recordings

Né à Birmingham (Alabama) le 23 mars 1932, Augustus D. "Gus" Jenkins a appris le piano sous l'influence de sa mère et des disques de Walter Davis. Très jeune, il joue dans des bars locaux et est embauché par le spectacle itinérant d'Atlanta, Sammy Green's Hot Harlem Review qui comprendra aussi Big Mama Thornton.
            A la fin des années 40, Gus décide de faire une carrière personnelle et s'installe à Chicago où il attire l'attention des frères Chess pour lesquels il fait ses premiers enregistrements en 1953 (accompagné de Big Walter Horton!) dans un style proche de celui de Walter Davis.
            La fin de l'année 1953 le voit déjà à Los Angeles où il trouve des engagements dans des clubs et enregistre à nouveau pour de nombreux labels de la Côte Ouest comme Specialty, Combo, Cash et Flash. Il s'essaie à divers styles de blues, imitant Howlin' Wolf (sous le nom de The Young Wolf!), dans un style plus proche des pianistes comme Charles Brown en tant que Little Temple ou Piano Bo et derrière sa femme Mamie Reed (Mamie Perry). Mais c'est avec son instrumental Tricky, produit par Charlie Reynolds en 1956 (sous le nom de Gus Jinkins!) qu'il obtient son premier succès commercial. Les instrumentaux de plus en plus Funky (a la Ramsey Lewis) où Gus joue du piano ou de l'orgue se succèdent alors (Spark Plug, Payday shuffle...) sans renouveler le succès de Tricky.
            Il fonde son propre label Pioneer en 1959, enregistre plusieurs obscurs bluesmen californiens ainsi que lui-même abondamment, tentant de suivre les courants de la musique noire. En 1964, il obtient un nouveau succès local avec l'instrumental Chitlins qui sera alors repris par Tower, une filiale de Capitol.
            Malheureusement, Gus Jenkins (qui se fait désormais appeler Jaarone Pharaoh) abandonne la musique à la fin des années 1960. Il décède, quasiment oublié de tous le 22 décembre 1985 à Los Angeles, laissant une œuvre diverse et de qualité.
            Merci à tous ceux qui nous ont permis de rassembler les enregistrements de Gus Jenkins. Merci aussi à ceux qui posséderaient ceux qui manquent et souhaiteraient envoyer une copie .mp3 via mon mail.
                                                                       Gérard HERZHAFT

            Born on 23d March 1932 in Birmingham (Alabama), Augustus D. "Gus" Jenkins has learned to play piano at an early age under the tutelage of her keyboard mother and the strong influence of Walter Davis' records. He started to play in local clubs before joining, still a teenager, several itinerant Shows, namely Atlanta's Sammy Green's Hot Harlem Review who also featured his fellow Alabamian Big Mama Thornton.
            At the end of the 1940's, Gus came to Chicago to try his luck, played in several clubs and even got a Chess recording session in 1953, backed by Big Walter Horton. But feeling (rightly) that his own style was more suitable to West Coast ears, he ended in Los Angeles where he found many opportunities in clubs, lounges and recording sessions for several Californian labels (Specialty, Combo, Cash, Flash). Seeking the success, he recorded on several blues or R&B genres, mostly in a Charles Brown's style but also as a credible Howlin' Wolf impersonator under the "Young Wolf" moniker as well as Little Temple or Piano Bo! He also backed his wife Mamie Reed/ Mamie Perry on some excellent records. Finally, this is with a pre-Funky instrumental (a la Ramsey Lewis), Tricky, recorded for Charlie Reynolds in 1956 that he got his first real hit. Henceforth, alongside with blues and ballads, he waxed many instrumental of this kind, playing either piano or organ (Spark plug, Payday shuffle) but without succeeding commercially.
            In 1959, Gus Jenkins founded his own Pioneer label, recording several excellent obscure L.A. bluesmen as well as many tracks of his own. In 1964, another instrumental named Chitlins created some local stirs and, taken over by the Tower label (a Capitol subsidiary), it became another last hit for Gus.
            Unfortunately, Gus Jenkins (who renamed himself Jaarone Pharaoh) gave up the music in the late 1960's and died in Los Angeles on 22nd December 1985, largely unknown outside a small number of blues buffs around the world. He leaves us a diverse and mostly very good works.
            Thanks a lot to all those who helped to gather those tracks and thanks by advance to those willing to share (a .mp3 copy through my mailbox would be great!) the still missing tracks.

                                                                       Gérard HERZHAFT

13 commentaires:



    Got it?

  2. Thank you Gerard, this looks like an interesting collection.

  3. Beautiful ! Thanks One More Time.

  4. Thank you very much Gerard. This is an excellent compilation of an artist that needed to be "pulled together".

  5. Merci ! j'apprécie beaucoup vos compilations...

  6. Great collection , thank you very much Gerard ! .
    There is a "Done Changed" track on this Lp (side 2 track 7)
    If this is the one you are looking for i will send you a zippy link from that song unless you want to DL the entire Lp .
    Amitiés ,


    1. Merci, cher Marc. J'ai déjà reçu des copies de ce titre

  8. Great Job Again Gérard. Thank You!

  9. Merci Gérard. Très appréciable.

  10. Hello Gerard, as you may know Zippyshare is not allowed in UK so if possible can you re-up with different file host. Thanks, Robert.

  11. A wish For A new Upload of the GUS JENKINS Recordings
    Here in 2020 ?
