samedi 21 septembre 2019

TEXAS BLUES Vol. 8/ Willie Johnson Plus

TEXAS BLUES Vol. 8/ Willie Johnson +

Houston, Tx. Eldorado Ball Room c. 1960
Thanks to our generous friends Mike G. & Mike K. from Australia, we now may post 5 very very rare Willie Johnson's tracks that fill most of the gaps in his discography:

Willie Johnson, vcl/pno; The Groovy Five, band. San Antonio, Tx. October 1949
Lost baby
Willie Johnson, vcl/pno; Third Ward Sir-Cats, band. Houston, Tx. janvier 1951
Sad and blue
Rocket 88
So happy

Tears come falling down

Thanks again, guys!

6 commentaires:

  1. Thanks, Gerard, Mike G. and Mike K. for filling these gaps.

  2. Thanks from me too Gerard, Mike G. and Mike K for these rare tracks.

  3. TYVM - these tracks are really really rare.

  4. To fill some requests, here are the new expanded and updated links to
    JUNE BATEMAN/ The Complete Recordings
    (cf the post for my text)!eQ5mECIL!M3Y-p0FGiVDqIqA9z6wDloz5SeHbvkKkLGg0tJBYqhw

  5. Gerard, would it be possible to get the link for Texas Blues, Vol. 8? I can't seem to find it.
