dimanche 18 juillet 2021



            C'était l'époque du Folk Boom et des grands festivals folk et blues, tout acoustiques bien sûr. On pouvait voir sans difficulté le Révérend Gary Davis chanter à Harlem, Sweet Daddy Stovepipe hanter Central Park où chaque week end, guitaristes, chanteurs, musiciens folk venaient échanger musiques, disques, conseils, informations sur tel ou tel musicien...
            Ce festival qui a eu lieu en août 1965 dans Central Park à New York - concocté et présenté par Alan Lomax - permet d'entendre plusieurs artistes de New York en compagnie d'autres venus du Sud pour l'occasion. On trouve ici uniquement des artistes Africains Américains qui représentent une large palette des musiques folk encore vivantes un peu partout dans le Sud des Etats Unis.
            Inédit en disque, ce festival est un excellent témoignage de la scène musicale du folk et blues revival du milieu des années 60.
            Tous nos remerciements à la Fondation Lomax et à http://www.culturalequity.org/
                                                                       Gérard HERZHAFT

            It was the Folk Boom/ Blues Revival era of the mid-60's, all acoustic of course. One could easily hear and see the Reverend Gary Davis singing for tips in Harlem and beyond, Sweet Daddy Stovepipe playing in Central Park where every week end musicians, singers and fans were gathering a little bit everywhere, swapping songs, records, informations on where to see and hear who in the NYC area.
            This very festival was held during August 1965 in Central Park, NYC. It was apparently set up by Alan Lomax who also MC'd the event. Some artists featured were familiar of the New York City folk scene, others were brought from the South for this event and probably other venues on coffeehouses and such. They were only African-American performers who displayed a wide range of deep musical traditions still living and played a little bit everywhere in the Southern States.
            Unissued on record, this festival is an excellent testimony of what was happening on the Folk scene during the mid-60's.
            A lot of thanks to the Lomax Foundation and http://www.culturalequity.org/
                                                           Gérard HERZHAFT

Reverend Gary Davis, vcl/g/bjo; Bessie Jones, vcl; Mable Hillery, vcl; John Davis, vcl; Peter Davis, vcl; Emma Ramsay, vcl; Ed, Lonnie & Lonnie Young Jr, fife and drum band; Georgia Sea Island Singers; Roger Phoenix, g. New York City, August 1965
01. Intro (by Alan Lomax)
Ed Young's Fife and Drum band.
02. Young's tune (Ed Young)
03. Jim and John
04. Ida Red
05. Sitting on top of the world
Bessie Jones & Georgia Sea Island Singers.
06. Buzzard lope
07. Old Lady from Brewser
08. Little Johnny Brown
John Davis & Georgia Sea Island Singers
09. Riley
10. Raggy levee
11. Row the boat child
12. Sink'em low
Reverend Gary Davis.
13. Kitty wants a corner
14. Candy man
15. Sally where you get your liquor from?
16. Twelve stick rag
17. Buck dance
18. Twelve gates to the City
19. Samson and Delilah
John & Peter Davis.
20. Carrie Belle
21. O Day
Mable Hillery & Ed Young
22. Chevrolet
Mable Hillery & Roger Phoenix.
23. How long blues
Bessie Jones & Gary Davis.
24. Whoa mule
Finale (all together)
25. Got on my travelling shoes

7 commentaires:


  2. Salut Gerard,
    merci pour ce nouveau post;prend soin et garde-toi bien.Bon weekend,

  3. Thanks mucho Gerard...hope all is well with you and yours....

  4. Thank you very much Gerard for the real thing!

  5. Amazing lineup of folks, thank you so much! Love Mable Hillery and Bessie Jones!

  6. Thank you very much Gerard, Quite a festival. Loved the atmosphere, music in the air et al. Keep up with this forever PLEASE! Kind regards

  7. Wow... never even heard OF this. Thank you!
