lundi 20 septembre 2021






Daniel Dorsey Overbea naît le 3 janvier 1926 à Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie de Sylvester Overbea et Irene Dorsey, une famille musicale qui officie régulièrement dans leur congrégation. Elevé à Chicago où ses parents ont migré alors qu'il avait sept ans, Danny a eu une éducation musicale poussée à la Du Sable High School où il forme un orchestre, chantant les morceaux du crooner Bing Crosby, alors son idole et devenant progressivement un musicien accompli, compositeur et guitariste capable de jouer n'importe quel morceau.

            Après un service militaire sur le front européen, Danny Overbea revient à Chicago en 1946 et entame immédiatement une carrière musicale professionnelle avec les Three Earls, un groupe vocal pop de Cleveland puis en tant que chanteur et guitariste de l'orchestre du saxophoniste Eddie Chamblee. C'est au sein de cet orchestre que Overbea fait ses débuts discographiques en 1950.

            Mais c'est lors d'une prestation particulièrement réussie au Paris Club sur le West Side en 1952 - Danny est aussi un formidable showman qui joue de la guitare avec les dents, derrière son dos, couché ...- qu'il est remarqué par le DJ et producteur Al Benson qui lui fait signer un contrat et l'enregistre, les disques sortant sur le label Checker. Train train train est immédiatement un énorme succès national, suivi l'année suivante en 1953 de plusieurs autres morceaux marquants (Stop time, 40 cups of coffee - que reprendra Bill Haley), cette fois gravés en compagnie du bel ensemble de King Kolax. Pendant quelques années, Overbea participe à plusieurs tournées nationales de R&B notamment avec Count Basie, Dinah Washington, Cootie Williams ou les Moonglows et figure dans les célèbres programmes télévisés de Alan Freed.

            Mais ces succès ne se répètent plus les années suivantes et Overbea - du moins dans ses enregistrements pour Chess, Federal, Shep, Apex- essaie de revenir à un répertoire plus orienté vers des ballades, sans résultats commerciaux. Cependant, il continue à se produire dans de nombreux clubs de Chicago et jusqu'en Floride jusque à la fin des années 1960 où, la mort dans l'âme, il doit abandonner la musique pour vivre de divers métiers.

            Un formidable guitariste mais sans doute difficile à catégoriser, Danny Overbea décède le 11 mai 1994 à Chicago, très largement oublié de tous.

            Merci à Marc Claes et Steve W. pour leur aide précieuse.

                                                                       Gérard HERZHAFT


            Daniel Dorsey Overbea was born 3d January 1926 at Philadelphia, the son of Sylvester Overbea and Irene Dorsey, a musical family who played regularly in their local church and around. His parents went to live to Chicago when the young Danny was seven and he was musically educated at the Du Sable High School where he formed a band, playing several instruments, composing, arranging and singing a lot of Bing Crosby's tunes, his first idol.


After his service in Europe during the war, Danny came back to Chicago in 1946 and embarked himself upon a professional musical career, first with the Cleveland vocal group The Three Earls and then as a guitarist and lead singer with tenor-saxophonist Eddie Chamblee's band. This is as a member of Chamblee's group that he made his recording debut in 1950.

            A proficient guitarist and a powerful showman (he played behind his back, with his teeth...), Danny Overbea was contacted by the famous R&B DJ Al Benson who recorded him for the Checker label the Top 10 R&B hit Train, train, train, followed by several strong numbers (Stop time, 40 cups of coffee... this one being covered by Bill Haley) waxed with the no-nonsense King Kolax Orchestra. During a few years, Overbea was very busy, touring nationally with Top R&B acts like Count Basie, Dinah Washington, Cootie Williams or The Moonglows and being featured several time on the famous Rock'n'Roll TV shows by Alan Freed.

            But and despite trying to record more ballads and even pop tunes, the subsequent recordings for Checker, Federal, Shep , Apex... didn't generate any new Hits. For some years, until the end of the 60's, Overbea was still playing in clubs and venues from Chicago to Florida, living on his reputation.

            But the good things didn't last and around 1969, Overbea had to give up music and make a living on several menial jobs.

            A powerful, imaginative guitarist and composer but probably too hard to categorize, Danny Overbea died on 11 May 1994 at his Chicago's home, largely forgotten.

            Thanks a lot to Marc Claes and Steve W. for their help.

                                                           Gérard HERZHAFT



DANNY OVERBEA/ Discographie

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; Eddie Chamblee, t-sax; John Young, pno; bs; dms. Chicago, Ill. 27 juillet 1950

01. Sweet Lucy

02. Laughing boogie

03. This is it

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; Eddie Chamblee, t-sax; John Young, pno; Walter Scott, g; Andrew Harris, bs; Osle Johnson, dms. Chicago, Ill. 28 juillet 1950

04. Every shut eye ain't sleep

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. 1951

05. The joke is on me

06. Contrary Mary

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; King Kolax, tpt; Dick Davis, t-sax; b-sax; Prentice Mc Cary, pno; Cowboy Martin, bs; Little Gates, dms. Chicago, Ill. janvier 1953

07. Train train train

08. Train train blues

09. I'll wait

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; King Kolax, tpt; Dick Davis, t-sax; b-sax; Prentice Mc Cary, pno; Cowboy Martin, bs; Little Gates, dms. Chicago, Ill. avril 1953

10. 40 cups of coffee

11. I'll follow you

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; King Kolax, tpt; Dick Davis, t-sax; b-sax; Prentice Mc Cary, pno; Cowboy Martin, bs; Little Gates, dms. Chicago, Ill. septembre 1953

12. I could but I won't

13. Sorrento

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; King Kolax, tpt; Harold Ousley, t-sax; b-sax; Prentice Mc Cary, pno; Cowboy Martin, bs; Leon Hooper, dms. Chicago, Ill. janvier 1954

14. Stomp and whistle

15. Ebony Chant

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. avril 1954

16. Roamin' man

17. Hey Pancho

18. You're mine

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. 27 septembre 1954

19. A toast to lovers

20. My love my love

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. mars 1955

21. Do you love me?

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; band. New York City, décembre 1955

22. My stubborn heart

23. Hear my story

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; Wilbur Wynne, g; Ronald Wilson, t-sax/flt; Billy Wallace, pno; Johnny Pate, bs; Donald Clark, dms. Cincinnati, Oh. 19 mars 1958

24. Space time

25. Candy bar

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. février 1959

26. With all my soul

27. Like crazy

Danny Overbea, vcl; Lefty Bates, g; Tommy Jones, t-sax; b-sax; pno; Quinn Wilson, bs; Al Duncan, dms. Chicago, Ill. juin 1959

28. Don't laugh at me

29. Stop

Danny Overbea, vcl/g; Sonny Thompson, pno; band. Cincinnati, Oh. 1961

30. Listen to me singing the blues

31. Book of tears

32. I'm tired of being tossed around

33. Rosebud



13 commentaires:

  1. Danny Overbea: Complete Recordings (repost, revised and completed)


  2. Mucho thanks for this fine upgrade Gerard!

  3. TYVM Gerard - look forward to listen to this in detail.

  4. Gerard, do you know who the female singer is on Track 8. Train, Train Blues?

    1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

    2. I got this answer from Peter Sturman:
      About Train train blues, this is what i’ve found- Zilla Mays vcl. with The Blues Caravan issued on Coral 65088.
      When you pass this on to Bob Mac would you ask him to re-post his Danny Overbea file on (From the Vaults) but not on Zippy.


  5. Salut Gerard,
    mreci pour ce nouveau post;je lui connais pas;prend soin et garde- toi bien mon ami.

  6. This really is a superb collection from Gerard - most of these titles are very difficult to find as his output has been poorly reissued.

  7. Thank you so much, Gerard. Very interesting. It kept me pleasant company on a long trip. All the best!

