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dimanche 6 janvier 2013

CHICAGO/ The Blues Yesterday Volume 3


            Dans ce troisième volume de la série "Chicago/ The blues Yesterday", je vous propose d'écouter (et souvent de découvrir) les premiers titres pour la plupart parus uniquement en 45t de deux bluesmen qui ont fait carrière (Magic Slim et Eddie King) ainsi qu'un single extrêmement rare de Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis enregistré à Memphis.
            Magic Slim (Morris Holt) est devenu un grand nom du Chicago blues mais ses toutes premières faces n'ont été que très partiellement rééditées. On peut l'entendre ici à ses débuts dans son style déjà bien défini autant en vedette avec ses TerDrops qu'accompagnant le chanteur et harmoniciste Richard "Little" Hite qui a brièvement hanté les clubs de Chicago dans les années 60 et 70 et qui n'a aucun lien de parenté avec Bob Hite, le leader des Canned Heat comme la critique britannique l'a longtemps suggéré.
Eddie King & May Bee Mae CD
            Eddie King (Edward Lewis Day Milton dit) (1938-2012) est un bluesman d'importance trop négligé. Très présent dans les clubs de Chicago, King a développé un jeu de guitare sur le modèle de B.B. King (d'où son surnom) et a enregistré derrière quantité de musiciens (Little Mack, Detroit Jr). Après un terrible drame personnel, Eddie King abandonne quelques années la musique avant de reprendre le chemin des clubs en compagnie de sa soeur, la chanteuse Mae Bee May. Ils enregistrent ensemble des 45t entre blues, Soul, Disco dont nous avons regroupé la plupart dans cette anthologie. Leur chef d'oeuvre demeure le magnifique album The blues has got me (Black Magic) que nous recommandons chaudement.
            Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis (Charles Thomas) (1925-95) a commencé sa carrière de musicien en enregistrant pour Sun (des titres jamais édités) puis a gagné Detroit où il a côtoyé John Lee Hooker (qui l'a fort influencé) avant de s'installer au marché aux puces de Maxwell Street, tenant un petit restaurant (le Knotty Pine Grill) tout en jouant son brin de blues du Delta bien personnalisé pour ses clients. Il a substantiellement enregistré pour divers labels, notamment un très bel album (Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis) jamais réédité mais que l'on peut trouver sur l'excellent site DontaskmeIdontknow.
Il a aussi gravé un curieux 45t à Memphis, très mal connu, que nous proposons ici.
            Merci à tous les collectionneurs et amateurs de blues qui ont permis cette anthologie, notamment Stanley Danville, Georges J. et Fonsoul.
                                                           Gérard HERZHAFT

            For this third opus of the Chicago/ The blues yesterday series, I've gathered all the early sides by Magic Slim, most of the early 45s by Eddie King as well as a rarity by Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis.
            Magic Slim (Morris Holt) is of course a well-known blues legend, having recorded dozens of (generally excellent) CD's. But his very first 45s have been strangely neglected. His style of no-nonsense West Side Chicago blues firmly rooted in the Deep South tradition is already there in the 60's whether on songs, instrumentals or behind little known harp player Richard "Little" Hite who dwelled in the small Chicago clubs during a couple of years. This Richard Hite is an African American who has nothing to do with Bob Hite, from Canned Heat fame, as it has been sometimes written.
            Eddie King (Edward Lewis Day Milton) (1938-2012) was a favorite of the Chicago blues clubs during the 50's and 60's. A guitarist strongly influenced by B.B. King (hence his "King" name), he has been in the studios behind many blues singers and has waxed a couple of 45's for several small labels under his name or in the company of his strong-voiced sister Mae Bee May. By far, their best effort is The blues has got me, an album for the Dutch Black Magic label. But their early 45's, between blues and Soul are nevertheless quite interesting.
            Finally, Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis (Charles Thomas) has brought his brand of Delta blues into Chicago. The man has first recorded for Sun in the early 50's (unfortunately still unissued sides), then stayed in Detroit playing with John Lee Hooker who left his mark on his style. He settled afterwards in Chicago, managing a small restaurant (Knotty Pine Grill) on Maxwell Street while entertaining his patrons singing and playing the blues. He has recorded some excellent solo sides in the 1960's, particularly for Testament and Elektra, a major album (Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis) that has never been reissued but that you can find on the wonderful blog DontaskmeIdontknow
            Later on, he also recorded a very rare and strange 45's in Memphis that we are featuring here.
            Thank you to all the collectors and blues fans who have generously loaned their rare records thus making this volume possible: Stanley Danville, Georges J. and Fonsoul.
                                                           Gérard HERZHAFT

CHICAGO/ The Blues Yesterday Volume 3
Eddie King, vcl/g; Rico Collins, t-sax; Detroit Jr, pno; Bob Stroger, bs; Robert Whitehead, dms; Three Queens, vcls. Chicago, Ill. 1960
01. Love you baby
Eddie King, vcl/g; Mae Bee May, vcl; horns; Bob Stroger, bs; Robert Whitehead, dms. Chicago, Ill. 1969
02. Please Mr DJ
03. Are you pushed in love?
Eddie King, vcl/g; band. Chicago, Ill. 1970
04. Kindness love and understanding
05. I talk too much
Eddie King, vcl/g; Mae Bee May, vcl; band. Chicago, Ill. 1971
06. Get off my back
07. Really I don't know
Magic Slim, vcl/g; Paul Brown, t-sax; Robert Perkins, bs; Willie Jones, dms. Chicago, Ill. 1966
08. Love my baby
09. Scuffling
Magic Slim, vcl/g; Little Hite, hca; Nick Holt, bs; Joe Mason, dms. Chicago, Ill. 1969
10. She's mine
11. I got a feeling
Little Hite, vcl/hca; Magic Slim, g; Nick Holt, bs; Joe Mason, dms. Chicago, Ill. 1969
12. Fine
13. A while ago
14. Soul blues
Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis, vcl/g; Eddie Willis Jr, hca; Willie James Bennett, dms. Memphis, Tn. 1967
15. A man's a fool
16. What a dream

17 commentaires:

  1. thanx 4 this gem! west texas hillilly

  2. o my goodness,,any magic slim & king r just unreal blooze...thanx 4 the fast download at 320! made my day

  3. Many thanks for theses rare tracks.
    By the way, album ''The blues has got me'' is for label Double Trouble, not for Black Magic, I think.


  4. OOOOPS!!

    Seems cd version is from Black Magic, but lp seems is from Double Trouble.

    1. Thanks, Ramson. I have the Eddie King's LP as well as the CD. You're right in both cases. Maybe Double Trouble's catalogue was taken over by Black Magic? The CD version has several bonus tracks. Anyway it is a great record and should be in every blues collection.

  5. Thanks Gerard- i always look forward to another installment in this fine series. There's so much I've never heard before.

  6. Merci Gerard, superbe collection comme d'habitude.

  7. Thank you so much for all the passion and hard work!
    Really nice to spend some time reading your blog and discovering so many great musicians!

  8. Thank you again for putting together these fabulous and intriguing blues collections.

    Eddie King and Mae Bee May! Wow! I have always loved the ablum that you cite, and had never heard these earlier tracks. That is interesting what you right about the BB King influence. I would have never guessed that BB was one of his main influences. His musical approach and sound are quite different. But King and May sure do sing up a soulful storm on these tracks. Such strong voices!

    I had also never heard those early Magic Slim sides. As you say, his style is already there, including the trademark wrist-action vibrato on the guitar. The vocals are much more subdued than on his later work.

    And Maxwell Street Jimmy always seems to hit the spot.

    Chicago, the blues yesterday indeed!

  9. Hey Gerard
    toujours des perles rares, introuvables, et on voit que le chicago blues tout au long des 60's était plus que teinté de soul (deep & hard soul, avec Eddie King, bien discret à la guitare sur ces faces).
    En tous cas bravo, c'est sur la toile le blog de blues le plus pertinent pour son authenticité de la musique que l'on aime!
    A bientôt un de ces jours prochains?
    PS : le lien pour Roosevelt Holts est mort, peux tu y faire qque chose?

    1. Merci et ravi d'être utile. Pour R. Holts, cela fait plusieurs fois que je reposte un nouveau lien qui est aussi rapidement supprimé. Pourtant, la quasi totalité des titres sont aujourd'hui introuvables. Je vais rééssayer dans un certain temps et on verra.

  10. Thank you a great big bunch Gerard!

  11. Thanks very much for this excellent series!

  12. Dear Gerard, the Mega link leads to Willie Williams, not the Vol 3 of Chicago Yesterday. You could correct it?
    thank you
    pablo crossroads

    1. Sorry...!Ztw3FQJI!IuaLXoINwfIb731AJ3CIY3t_kUQLq3M21CcHSgdx3ow


    1. Excellent album, blues4sale.... certainly one of the very best Chicago blues of the late 20th Century
