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lundi 26 janvier 2015

HOWLIN' WOLF The complete Studio Recordings

HOWLIN' WOLF/ The complete Studio Recordings

Inutile de présenter Chester Burnett, le plus célèbre Howlin' Wolf du blues. Nous proposons ici la totalité de ses enregistrements réalisés en studio. Ne figurent cependant pas les albums enregistrés par le Wolf en tant que tels ni ceux enregistrés en concert dont seuls trois d'ailleurs (Copacabana, AFBF 1964 et Alice's Revisited) ne sont pas des "bootlegs"...
Pour connaître mieux ce géant de la musique populaire américaine, nous ne pouvons que recommander la remarquable biographie (en anglais)
ainsi que le long article que j'ai écrit dans Soul Bag n°205

Everybody knows of course Chester Burnett aka Howlin' Wolf, a true giant of the blues and the American music altogether. We have gathered here all his studio recordings. The four albums he has recorded as such are not included, neither his three live non-bootleg sessions (Cpacabana, AFBF 1964 and Alice's Revisited).
If you want to know more about the Wolf, there is a remarkable biogrpahy (in english)
as well as a lengthy article I wrote (in French) in the Soul Bag Magazine n°205

30 commentaires:

  1. Howlin' Wolf/ Complete Studio Recordings








    Pour des raisons évidentes, ces fichiers sont seulement sur Mega.
    For some reasons, thos links are and will be available only on Mega

  2. Gerard, Thanks for this Wolf post. Also, I cannot get the link to the bio to work. Please check that.

  3. Thanks Gerard! This book looks excellent!

  4. WOW!!!!!! Thank you SO much....You deserve the legion d'honneur, definitely

  5. Gerard

    Very nice post - the Wolf is my favorite. Could you please post a link to the contents of the 7 CD's. I have a lot of Wolf and would like to know how your post compares to my collection. Thank you again for all that you do.

    1. I will do that. Meanwhile, the Wolf disco with the content of each CD is on the CD7

  6. Thanks a lot for all these excellent tracks and also for the pdf-files.

  7. Marvelous!
    Thank you so very much.

  8. Many thanks Gérard , i must admit i have almost everything from this complete works already , i bought every album or Cd from Howlin' Wolf i could find since many years , i have some of the songs at least 10 times in my collection ... thanks to this post i did watch The Howlin' Wolf Story on Dvd again , and did read several times your nice study on the early Howlin' Wolf's life .
    Thanks for being back and for all you do !

  9. A Herculean task superbly completed Gerard. Thank you very much as always. I have completed a discography of Big Joe Williams, posted it and got very little response except from Kempen. I guess this type of work is only appreciated by a small group of "blues enthusiasts".

    1. Thank you very much, Ballas. And congratulations for your Big Joe's disco. I guess that I own everything this giant of the Delta blues has recorded except his XTra album that is very hard to find anywhere. By the way, I saw and met Joe several times in Europe abd I even went to visit him in his Crawford hometown. He was quite diminished at that time by diabetes but he was still able to play and sing forcefully. Not the easiest of all the bluesmen to get along with but certainly one of the greatest bluesmen.

    2. I do not have the XTra albums either. It's amazing how many tracks remains unissued or reissued by Big Joe. Here is some work for an enterprising publisher!

    3. @Ballas: Hello, where did you publish your Big Joe discography? I'm very interested!

      @Gerard: Once again thank you so much for your work, it is greatly appreciated by me.

  10. Merci beaucoup, je crois que cette musique est en train de changer ma vie...

  11. This is a great work of dedication; thank you very much.


  12. Hi, I'm on summer holidays, away from the computer but today I had to return for the day, because I had to take exams in college, I could not resist the curiosity and an interval entered the web and found this gem.
    Thanks Gerard !! Especially for the detailed discography

  13. Hi Gerard,

    This is driving me crazy, what is the name of a documentary hosted by B.B. King and it had amongst others Sam Chatmon, Big Joe Williams and awesome footage of an older female Queen ........? Singing and accompanied by a piano player? Does this ring any bells? I owned it years ago on VHS but just cannot remember the name of it!!!

    1. Actually, I'm thinking this might be called 'Good Mornin' Blues' I think it was on K jazz (VHS) ....anyone heard of this???

    2. Sorry, Marineband. I don't know anything about this VHS tape. See some rare footages by Sam Chatmon and Big Joe on My YouTube Channel. Maybe ask a request on Xyros' blog.

  14. Gerard Sorry, the comment of 18:38 is mine but I forgot to put my name, apologies, I don't like anonymous.
    Pablo desde Montevideo

  15. Réponses
    1. Sorry blackcough, I can't reupload those files. Just let's hope (or maybe pray?) that the label who owns those masterpieces will reissue them properly.

  16. Any Chance of re-uploading this?

  17. I missed this. Will you be up-loading it soon?

  18. Réponses
    1. Sorry I don't understand italian too well. But I feel you would like a re-up links for that entry. Unfortunately I can't for copyright reasons, having been warned by Universal.
